Dressed Like A Wild Thing

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Any chance you remember our Zombie Love project from a little while back? Or our experience with a Yellow Submarine? Well we've done something similar, and as expected, we're loving the Wild results.

Wendy found an incredible artist on Pinterest(we love them!), and her name is Nikki. This brilliant woman is our new best friend and a very happy source of inspiration for us. Sometimes things just work out beautifully.
 {See what I mean! Wanna see a bit closer?}
 {Aren't they so completely adorable?!}
 These adorable illustrations are from Nikki's 'Dressed Like A Wild Thing' bundle on Etsy, and you should seriously jump over there and snag it now. She's also brilliant in that she gives an instant download once you pay for a bundle-no waiting around for the shop owner to get back to you with your goodies!
 {That little grey boy off to the right is Brittanie's fav-Wendy loved all the toes!}
Nikki's detail on these really makes them stand out, even down to the tiny little dotting on every character. If you think these babies are cute, you should definitely sneak a peak at her Etsy shop. We've gone through all of her pages and can't wait to get more of her sweet images on our Sugar Cookies!

As if her shop wasn't enough, she maintains multiple blogs with a variety of themes-check out the options HERE.
{Nikki gave us her permission to use her images and we were happy to pay for them!}

Gorgeous images provided by Andrea Hallett Photography


  1. I am definitely remembering you for my special celebrations! So cute. What a great team; your cookies with great designs.
    First Grade by the Sea

  2. These are gorgeous! What talent you have!

  3. these cookies are awesome. they are almost to beautiful to eat!! I Love the "Where the wild things are" cookies. WOW!!

  4. These are amazing! I love Where the Wild THings are! Melonheadz designs, you can't go wrong!
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  5. Those are the most perfect cookies I've ever seen. Almost too perfect to eat...almost! =)

  6. This just looks like too much fun! Wild Things not only is a fav book, but also a fav Nikki flannel board set at school! Thanks for a great treat to remember when back in school!

  7. You all are knocking us over with your sweet words, thank you! We see many more Melonheadz sets in our near future and we can't wait!


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