Yellow Submarine Time!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

With holidays running nonstop and tons of great parties in the last few months, hitting January was a welcome break in the routine! Funny though, after a day or two of not decorating cookies for orders, I tend to get a bit stir crazy and start looking for a fun project. This is where the brilliant Hanasaurusrex comes in!
I originally found her artwork through Pinterest, from a completely different image, but after clicking through to the website, I fell in love with the artistic style, especially after seeing these babies...
Who wouldn't fall in love with these! I consider it a beautiful version of the Yellow Submarine album art, and I couldn't resist putting them on Sugar Cookies!
I'm a bit in love with this set, I have to say it. Side projects like these are the creative fuel I need sometimes and I'm so grateful to Hannah for letting me post pictures of the final product.
Speaking of pictures, Abram from A.E. Landes Photography went all out with the styling of these cookies, and I just have to share as many as I can. He did a fantastic job in catching the playfulness of the Beatles men!
{I'd take some Yellow Submarine livin' in this baby!}

{This Peekaboo photo is one of my favorites!}
A huge thank you again to the talent and brains behind Hanasaurusrex  for letting me get a bit creative with her original artwork. And as a lucky bonus for all of you, click HERE to get your very own Beatles Finger Puppets! 

Let me know what you think! I love to hear your thoughts about fun projects like these!


  1. I love these they came out awesome!!!

  2. Will they be available for special order? I have a 7 year old who would flip for these :)

  3. OMGoodness!!! They are amazing! I'm in awe. and Thank you so much for all the love! Everything about this is sooo sweet! ;D


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