*Sprinkled With Fun!*

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First, some wonderful news-We have a fantastic new photographer named Andrea, from Andrea Hallett Photography! Take a minute to jump on over to her website and ooh and ahh over her incredible photos. Andrea specializes in working with natural light, and the breathtaking results speak for her talent! We're so lucky to have her working with us, and couldn't hold off showing you our first little photoshoot with her!
It seems like so many birthdays are coming up in the next bunch of months, so with that in mind we created this fun 'Make A Wish' set, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Andrea's daughter was a perfect addition(and a very willing one!) to the shoot!
Would anyone else care for a slice of this cheerful cake?
 Sprinkled with Adorable Freckles is more like it!

There are big plans for Snickety Snacks in the works, and we look forward to surprising you with them!
-Brittanie & Wendy-

1 comment:

  1. Love this!! You do beautiful cakes and amazing cookies. You have brilliant talent.


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