School Is Sweet!

Friday, August 30, 2013

I know most kids are already back in school, so these treats might seem a bit late, but my little Monkey starts kindergarten next week so we're considering these right on time!
We had a super cute order recently for a teacher looking to surprise her class with a little cookie happiness, and we decided to run with the chevron apple design she chose...
Those Cake Pops are super cute covered in glittery sanding sugar!
Who wouldn't love an outstanding edible grade?
Our Cakes make every day better!

Happy New School Year!

Concert Cookies, Oh Yeah!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Do you remember that kind of amazing Fall Out Boy Sugar Cookie we made a little while back? Well Brittanie is hooked on making more...and more...and oh yes, even more. Our latest round?
 Say Hello to the Plain White T's and The Wind + The Wave!

Let's start with The Wind + The Wave. Never heard of them?  
Patty and Dwight are my new favorite people. Incredible musicians, fantastic songs, and two of the most down to earth people you will ever meet. 
After seeing the Cookie from us they totally knocked our socks off. Dwight came to talk to my husband and I before they performed, they both did a shoutout for Snickety Snacks during their stage time, and I can't count the hugs I got from Patty while they autographed their album for us.
One of the coolest things about these two? They signed the Cookie!
(With an edible ink marker of course.)
Fingers crossed for a 2014 Tour!

Now who hasn't had a Plain White T's song stuck in their head at one point? 'Hey There Delilah', '1,2,3,4', or my personal favorite 'Hate' are just a few of the favorites, but I've got to say, 
their Wonders of The Younger album is definitely my favorite. The circus-type vibe to some of the songs on there are right up my alley(Check our Cirque Dans La Rue), and the album art is gorgeous!
 Cliff Cramp is the creative genius behind the artwork, and we could resist getting the cover on a big ol' Sugar Cookie! Wendy's painting technique really brought this to life, no way we could have made it happen without her shading talents!
 We see this becoming a regular occurrence for us, creating these Concert Cookies, and we're excited to show you the tasty results! Follow us on Instagram @snicketysnacks and to see these babies specifically, be on the lookout for #concertcookie !

So what do you think? Who's album art should we take on next?

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