Now I'm on the lookout for more fun food shaped cutters! What kinds would you like to see?
Now I'm on the lookout for more fun food shaped cutters! What kinds would you like to see?
{Small size Sugar Cookies are $20 for 18}
Sugar Cookie Houses!
If you're anything like me, you love the fun process of decorating gingerbread houses, but in the end the taste isn't always wonderful. This yummy alternative is the perfect activity for Valentine's day, parties, and any old rainy day!
Each House Kit starts like this...
and contains all the treats needed to create your own little Sugar Cookie House!
Front, Back and Side Walls, 2 Roof pieces, Royal Icing for 'glue' and 4 kinds of Candy or Sprinkles. With plenty of white, pink and red options this time of year, you're guaranteed some sweet options! You'll also get a foil covered cake plate for displaying your fun creation!
While this kit is geared towards Valentine's Day, icing and candy colors can change for any event!
Call today to place your orders for the 14th!
*Sugar Cookie House Kits*
~$25 each~
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