I think we could all use a little more Joy in our lives!
Large Sugar Cookies and Sugar Cookie Bites made up for a super fun party! Thanks J.
What I really loved about this order was seeing these LolliCookies set up at the party! I'm happy to hear they were a big hit! Thanks M!
I'd love to see pictures from your parties where treats from *Snickety Snacks* were served! Email them to me along with fun feedback so that I can add it to the site!
Have a Sweet Day!
These can be personalized with different colors, Letters or Numbers to fit your Party Needs!
1 dozen Sugar Cookie Bites-$7
Minimum 6 dozen per order
Packed in Brown Box with Colored Twine by 1 or 2 dozen
Contact Brittanie with any questions regarding more packaging options
Goodies include Chocolate Ladybug Cupcakes, Chocolate and Red Velvet Cake Bites, and plenty o' Sugar Cookies!
Instead of being added to the rest of the desserts, they were actually the favors!
Individual cookies based on your Party theme can be wrapped and sealed with our little Owlie stickers! It's the perfect little gift for your guests that they're guaranteed to love~Contact Brittanie for more details!
Looking for some Sugar Cookies for an upcoming event? Just let me know what fun ideas you have and together we'll make it happen!
~Sugar Cookies will also be available at Chartreuse on the 19th~
{Red Velvet, Lemon and Vanilla Cupcakes}
{White & Milk Chocolates}
Look for these babies at my next selling events~Cake Bites and Sugar Cookies are going hand in hand!
Here's a great example of how you can personalize your order around colors or the Guest of Honor's Name!
If you'd like to have your Gift Certificates mailed to you, please contact me at Snicketysnacks@hotmail.com!
Have A Sweet Day!
Contact Brittanie today to order Sugar Cookies for your upcoming events!
*Large Sugar Cookies starting at $20 per dozen*
Of course the flavors and colors can be changed based on your needs, and the Button is just a personal favorite of mine and can be replaced with any number of options, but I just had to share these! My Cupcake of the Month group officially ended with these and I think it was perfect. That little group of friends inspired me to keep pushing and now *Snickety Snacks* has grown incredibly. Thank you so much!
{Please contact Brittanie with your special order Cupcake needs!}
{Cupcakes are $15 per dozen + delivery}
{This little girl was too cute~Right before I snapped her picture, she popped the rest of her Cake Bite in her mouth. I love the evidence left on her upper lip!}
{Just a few of the wonderful women at Chartreuse & Co. on Saturday}
Thanks so much to everyone who had kind words to say, and who rushed back for seconds! I love it!
{Cupcakes~Chocolate & Cream Cheese Frosting~4 Kinds of Sprinkles}
So many fun Color & Theme options for these fun little Cupcake Kits!
{Strawberry and Chocolate Bites}
{Lemon and Carrot Bites}
{Chocolate w/ Milk Chocolate Cake Bites}
{Red Velvet w/ White Chocolate Cake Bites}
{Here are a couple of pictures from the 1/9/10 setup}
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